That took care of the belly glass door open error but now I get a persistant: At this time I would also get a Coin-In error also along with the belly glass door open error but would go away and machine would work perfect if I got the belly glass door switch in its 'sweet spot' pushing in on it. Sometimes i would have to push the switch in hard to get it to work. I opened the belly glass door and would then push the switch in by hand.
I dont recall the exact error that would pop up/cause reel tilts but I was able to push in on the top left side of the belly glass to get it to do normal play. Once again I was getting ready to take it off my lift calling this DONE but then I started to get the error about the belly glass being open. I played the heck out of it for a good hour or so and worked perfect. Had everything working again as of last night when I was able to set the 7 segment readout to the correct setting. Still banging my head against this s2000 5 wheel slot.