Was elected president with a huge majority over Cavaignac. Soon he was elected in parliament and in December he After the revolution of 1848 heĬame to Paris and the National Assembly granted him permission By the time it was noticed he wasĪlready on a ship to London. Sent her away and six days later he escaped by walking out of There he taught his parlourmaid Alexandrine orthographyĪnd she gave him two children in return. This time Louis Napoleon was imprisoned for life at the Hamįortress. In 1840 his second coup d'état failed as well and That were put on his track failed to stop him and he reached Passport he travelled incognito to Arenenberg. He took the ship George Washington to London. Him message that his mother Hortense was dying ('Venez, venez!') He enjoyed himselfįor a while in New York, but when his friend Dr. He tried a coupĭ'état in 1836 but it failed miserably and he was put on the The Bonaparte claim to the throne of France. After the death of his elder brothers he inherited King of Holland) and Hortense the Beauhanais. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was the son of Louis Bonaparte (the GRAVE LOCATION Farnborough, Hampshire: Abbey Church of St.
BORN, Paris: Palais Royal - DIED, Chislehurst, Kent: Camden PlaceīIRTH NAME Bonaparte, Charles Louis NapoleonĬAUSE OF DEATH bladder stone (consequences of operation)